► With Western Michigan’s 22-21 win over Northwestern to open
the 2016 season on Sept. 3, the MAC has won a regular season
game vs. Big Ten opponents in each of the last 11 consecutive seasons
(2006-2016), the longest streak in MAC history.
► During this 11-year span, MAC teams have defeated 10 different
Big Ten teams—Illinois (2); Indiana (5); Iowa (3); Maryland (1);
Michigan (1); Michigan State (1); Minnesota (2); Northwestern
(2); Penn State (1) and Purdue (5) -- for a total of 23 wins during
this span.
2006: Ohio beat Illinois
2007: BGSU beat Minnesota; WMU defeated Iowa
2008: WMU beat Illinois; CMU beat Indiana; Toledo beat Michigan;
Ball State beat Indiana
2009: NIU beat Purdue; Central Michigan beat Michigan State
2010: Toledo beat Purdue; NIU beat Minnesota
2011: Ball State beat Indiana
2012: Ohio beat Penn St.; Ball State beat Indiana; CMU beat Iowa
2013: NIU beat Purdue; NIU beat Iowa
2014: BGSU beat Indiana; NIU beat NW; CMU beat Purdue
2015: BGSU beat Maryland and Purdue
2016: WMU beat Northwestern
In 2015, the MAC finished with a 2-10 overall record against Big
Ten opponents -- with two wins by Bowling Green over Purdue
and Maryland. In 2014, the MAC had three wins vs. Big Ten opponents
— Purdue, Northwestern and Indiana, which marked the
fourth time in MAC history with three wins vs. Big Ten opponents
(2000, 2003, 2012 and 2014). The most wins in a single season by
the MAC over Big Ten opponents is four games (2008).